Basic Website Designing Tips

When designing a website, thought has to be put into what the website will be about, what content needs to be included and what needs to be excluded. You want to add eye catching graphics, Easy loading pages, User friendly navigation and easy to read Text in your website designing. Some of the prominent factors that designers take into consideration when designing a good website for a business include the following:

• Content and Page Layout:
The most important information should be clearly displayed on the home page of the website. A little about the company, contact information and products and service preview goes on the home page to grab audience attention. According to research done visitors to a website spend first five to seven seconds on average to decide if the website offers information they are looking for. Short sentences or paragraphs are preferred. These paragraphs should have the keywords that focus on your business products or services.

• Load Time
Load time refers to the time it takes for your website to load in the website visitor’s browser. If you load special audio or video options on your website, make sure it does not take time to load because visitors do not like waiting or being distracted from what they are looking for. Put up small downloadable image files to reduce load time. Make sure you do not put big files that will take much longer to load.

• Cross Browser compatibility
The website you design should be compatible in all browsers. Make sure the colors and Web Page Layout display the same in different browsers. You do not know which browser your audience will be using, therefore test your website on different browsers to ensure its workability.

• User Friendly Navigation
You definitely want to avoid your visitor from getting frustrated and leaving the website. Therefore make sure the navigation throughout your website is made simple. There should be option to return to home page at any time to move to another option from any web page not just the home page. Create a Site map for SEO purposes as well. That will further help your website.

If you have a technical background and you know how to design a website then all these aspects of website designing will be simple for you. However, if you are not a website designer then getting a template and modifying it keeping these pointers in mind will help you in developing a successful website. Doing SEO for your website will further help your website gain more attention and higher ranking in Search Engines.