Spam Email Offers for SEO

Lately we have been getting bombarded with emails from companies in India offering to do SEO service for us. The emails are pretty generic and start off with saying how your website is currently not ranking high for your target keywords. They further go into explaining on how they can help get you listed on the first page of Google. Apparently all of these companies have more than 150+ professionals, etc. Our clients kept on getting similar kind of emails and we had to explain to them again and again that these are just scammers. Most of these people are using free email accounts like gmail to send out this spam. They don’t even have their own business. Also, no one can guarantee first page listing, period!

Anyhow, the other day we saw an article from Google that made us just laugh and bring all these spam email issues at home. One of these spammers actually emails Google stating that Google was not ranking high on Google and they could help Google optimize their site for better listing on Google. Amazingly Matt Cutts from Google followed up on the offer and responded to these spammers and instead of taking the hint, the spammer responded back with proposals. You can read more about that on Matt’s Blog at

Bottom line folks, please do not fall for these too good to be true tricks. The fact is that no one can guarantee first page. SEO is a long term process and you want to make sure that whichever company you hire, they only use White Hat Techniques so as to not get your website penalized.

At Website Designers R Us, we take special care when doing SEO for our clients. Please contact us to find out how we can help improve the ranking of your business on major search engines.